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"Why, of course you damn yourself. But I suppose that's in your programme. У ou propose to throw mud at us; you believe, you hope, that some of it may stick. We know, of course, it can't," explained the marquis in а tone of conscious lucidity. (James)

"Dale... did you notice that Ьit of nonsense in the House ... about the Mathry case?" Dale was startled. But he concealed his surprise. "I did notice it, Sir Matthew." "Of course, the whole thing is absurd ... political mud-slinging. Still," Sprott shook his head, "we have to watch out these days that nоnе of it stick to us." ( Cronin)

Verloop burst out with an impassioned speech. Не was both puzzled and indignant at the thought that he, of all people, should Ье arrested Ьу bls own side. "ln broad daylight, too," he added bitterly, "right in my own home ! With all the neighbours watching. Mud sticks, you know. 1 know I'm innocent - and you'll realize it soon enough." (Pinto)